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El Encuentro de las Familias Empresarias del Sudeste de Asia y de América Latina es una oportunidad única para forjar una sólida red entre empresarios con ideas afines, descubrir sinergias y potenciales de colaboración con la finalidad de expandir y generar nuevos negocios en estos mercados emergentes.

Este evento está diseñado para los lideres de la próxima generación dentro de las empresas familiares y los actuales directores ejecutivos comprometidos en la gestión de las empresas familiares.

El encuentro se desarrollara del 4 al 6 de Noviembre 2024 en Singapur. El primer día esta dedicado a una nutrida agenda de talleres dirigidos por el Business Families Institute of Singapore Management University, Egon Zehnder y Wise Responder (Instituto de la Universidad Oxford) junto con actividades de networking con las familias del Sudeste de Asia. El segundo y tercer día esta dedicado a visitas a empresas familiares dentro de Singapur y la oportunidad de conocer un ecosistema empresarial único que ofrece Singapur.

Este evento es exclusivamente diseñado para empresas familiares y es bajo invitación, los interesados pueden enviar un email directamente a angela.torres@latamcham.org para obtener mayor información.


The Southeast Asia and Latin America Family Business Summit is a unique opportunity to establish a robust network among like-minded entrepreneurs, uncover synergies, and explore potential collaborations to expand and cultivate new business ventures in these burgeoning markets.

This event is tailored for the next generation of leaders within family businesses and current CEOs committed to steering family enterprises.

The event is scheduled to take place from November 4th to 6th, 2024, in Singapore. The first day will feature a comprehensive agenda of workshops led by the Business Families Institute of Singapore Management University, Egon Zehnder, and Wise Responder (an institute affiliated with Oxford University), as well as networking activities with families from Southeast Asia. The subsequent two days will be dedicated to visits to family businesses within Singapore, offering participants a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the city-state's distinctive business ecosystem.

This event is exclusively designed for family businesses and is by invitation only. Interested parties can direct inquiries to angela.torres@latamcham.org for further information.


Arturo Alessandri

Honorary Consul of Singapore to Chile, Managing Partner Alessandri & Compañía

Jamie Coats

Chief Executive Officer, Wise Responder

Professor Kenneth Goh

Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship (Education), Academic Director, Business Families Institute SMU

Philip Ng

Chairman, Far East Organisation


Welcome Breakfast

Introduction of the participants and outline of the program.

What Makes Entrepreneurial Family Business Lasts and Stay RelevantInsights on Family Business Key Success Factors in SEA
Professor Kenneth Goh

Family businesses often struggle to stay relevant and competitive in today’s fast-paced, disruptive business environment. This session aims to provide novel perspectives into how family businesses can develop an entrepreneurial mindset and leverage digital transformation and agile innovation, to achieve sustainable success.

  • Professor Kenneth Goh (Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship (Education), Academic Director, Business Families Institute SMU)

    Professor Kenneth Goh

    Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship (Education), Academic Director, Business Families Institute SMU
Coffee/Tea Break
Fireside Chat on Navigating Disruption: How Family Businesses Can Stay Relevant and Thrive
Professor Kenneth Goh

The session will expound on the unique challenges that family businesses face and how they can navigate and overcome them to create a lasting impact. The experienced speaker will provide insights into the strategies that successful family businesses can explore to stay relevant and competitive in a globally connected environment.

  • Professor Kenneth Goh (Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship (Education), Academic Director, Business Families Institute SMU)

    Professor Kenneth Goh

    Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship (Education), Academic Director, Business Families Institute SMU
Coffee/Tea Break
Combined Discussion & Sharing of Experiences

A truly interactive session where participants and Singapore-based family business leaders will come together to share practical insights, exchange ideas and establish new business network, facilitated by experienced faculty.

Fireside Chat with Special Guests: Mr Philip Ng (Singapore) and Mr Arturo Alessandri (Chile)

Networking Lunch

  • Arturo Alessandri (Honorary Consul of Singapore to Chile, Managing Partner Alessandri & Compañía)

    Arturo Alessandri

    Honorary Consul of Singapore to Chile, Managing Partner Alessandri & Compañía
  • Philip Ng (Chairman, Far East Organisation)

    Philip Ng

    Chairman, Far East Organisation
The Art of Family Business Management
Coffee/Tea Break
Social Responsibility of Family Businesses
Jamie Coats
  • Jamie Coats (Chief Executive Officer, Wise Responder)

    Jamie Coats

    Chief Executive Officer, Wise Responder
Networking Dinner
Breakfast Session with Singapore Institutional Sector
Site Visits
Site Visits


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Para obtener información adicional sobre eventos o lugares, envíe un correo electrónico a angela.torres@latamcham.orgTambién puede comunicarse con nosotros a través del +65 93895060

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