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Palabras de Bienvenida // Welcome Remarks
Carlos Umaña Trujillo

8:00 AM - 8:10 AM Hora local Colombia

  • Carlos Umaña Trujillo (Managing Partner, Brigard Urrutia)

    Carlos Umaña Trujillo

    Managing Partner, Brigard Urrutia
¿Qué esperar de la relación Colombia y Singapur en el área de negocios e inversiones? // How do we foresee the relationship between Singapore and Colombia in terms of business and investments?
Pablo LizanaPaola BuendíaSandra SalamancaMichael Brennan

8:10 AM - 8:30 AM hora Colombia

  • Pablo Lizana (Honorary President, Latin American Chamber of Commerce, Singapore)

    Pablo Lizana

    Honorary President, Latin American Chamber of Commerce, Singapore
  • Paola Buendía (Executive Vice President, ANDI)

    Paola Buendía

    Executive Vice President, ANDI
  • Sandra Salamanca (Executive Director of ProColombia for Singapore and Australia, Procolombia)

    Sandra Salamanca

    Executive Director of ProColombia for Singapore and Australia, Procolombia
  • Michael Brennan (Managing Director, BBVA Singapore)

    Michael Brennan

    Managing Director, BBVA Singapore
Conversatorios: Oportunidades de Negocio e Inversión // Talk Tracks Business and Investment Opportunities

Los participantes podrán unirse a los siguientes conversatorios que se desarrollan de forma paralela. // Participants will join one of the talk tracks that take place in a parallel format.
1. Tecnología // Technology
2. Logística // Logistics
3. Industria Alimenticia // Food Industry
4. Infraestructura y ciudades inteligentes // Infrastructure & Smart Cities
5. Sustentabilidad ambiental // Environmental Sustainability